Welcome to WinToaster’s documentation!

WinToaster is a python library for sending toast notifications on the Windows 10 operating system. With WinToaster, you can create and send windows notifications in just a few lines of code. WinToaster is a fairly small library, and yet is extremely feature-rich. WinToaster supports Windows toast notifications with the following features:

  • A title and body.

  • A custom sound that plays when the notification is sent.

  • A custom image file that shows on the notification.

  • Windows tooltip support.

Get up and going

To get started, head over to the Install WinToaster page. If you have already installed WinToaster, then you are ready to go. In that case, the Tutorial is a great starting point.


Here you will find all the pages in the documentation. If you are ever lost, look at the table of contents to find your way.

Indices and tables